Works | Akinde-Peters

Here are some of my works.

iOS apps


Tipz is a beautifully designed iOS app built to deliver helpful TL;DRs of (rather long) blog posts and videos alike across various programming topics.


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A Very Silly App

AVSA is exactly what it says it is - a very silly app.

However, as you are mesmerised with animations and customization options, you may stumble on one or two hidden features, or none at all.

A Very Silly App

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watchOS apps


ColoursTap is a simple fun Apple Watch game involving colours, taps and swipes!


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Android apps


IUVO seeks to help increase visibility and engagements to businesses, corporate organisations and places of interests.


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Moments is a simple fun app to capture the moments in photos and short videos. These moments can be shared with people you permit or with the world at large.


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A Very Silly App

AVSA is a playful app with fun animations that lets you create pretty customisable images. Plus, there might (or not) be some easter eggs. 🀐

A Very Silly App

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Android libraries

Nigeria Map

Nigeria Map is an Android UI library helpful in drawing the map of Nigeria. It also provides interaction with all 36 states and 6 geo-political zones.

Nigeria Map

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